Good morning to you!

    It’s difficult to put into words how much the hunting trip meant to Elmer and my Dad, Wes Gransden. Thank you just seems too small! It was wonderful to meet new people and enjoy the peace and quiet of your surroundings. I still can’t decide who enjoyed it the most, Dad or Elmer. It was so gracious of you to allow Dad to participate in all of the activities. He and Mother would gladly caretake through the winter if you needed someone.

Elmer has just about worn out the photos that were taken of his deer and elk! Several people have asked for information about your hunts, and we have made copies of what we have and given out your website address, hoping that some of the interested parties will be able to participate in one of your wonderful adventures next year. It’s a busy 3 or 4 months for all involved with your business. When I think about all that you coordinate on a daily basis it’s overwhelming. You seem to take it all in stride.

Most of the ladies at work are not inclined to be hunters. They browsed through the animal shots, and the photo I have of Kevin set their hearts all a flutter! The photo shows Kevin on one of his trips to bring meat from the mountain to the lodge, just a part of his normal everyday life during hunting season. They think he’s “cute” and have volunteered to work for room and board if you’ll let them! I neglected to tell them that he has a title in arm wrestling and if they keep their eyes on ESPN or 2 they might have an opportunity to see him “live.” He is a wonderful person, and we certainly enjoyed his and Jadan’s company, as we did everyone we encountered at the lodge.

Thank you so much for making this a trip of a lifetime for all of my family!

Jean Vick


Rulon, Thanks for The Hunt of A Life Time


I Will Not Soon Forget!